DOUGHBOY, the critically acclaimed patriotic family film that pays tribute to U.S. veterans, is ready to go nation-wide!
Click on Kickstarter Widget (above) to get involved & read more
The following is from their Kickstarter Page :
The Story of DOUGHBOY
When the movie DOUGHBOY was released in a limited run in West Virginia last summer, our movie was greeted with applause, standing ovations, tears and an overall sense of gratitude from those who saw it. Above all, there was a resounding echo that we, as the film’s producers, must get the movie and its message of patriotism out to as many people as possible.
To do this, we now need YOUR help.
DOUGHBOY is a family-friendly film that on the journey of an apathetic 16 year old (played by newcomer Barrett Carnahan) who moves from New York City to a small town in West Virginia. After being accused of vandalizing the town's statue of a World War I doughboy, he is assigned to perform community service at a local veterans home where he meets individuals who challenge his self-centered ways. The movie also stars Hollywood veteran Terry Kiser of "Weekend at Bernie's" Fame. Click HERE TO GO TO "DOUGHBOY" Kickstarter Page & Please SHARE this Post to spread the word!