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Voodoo Team: Forest Miller, CJ Watson, Donna Britton & Bruce Michael Miller |
Message from : Gigi de Lugo, CEO-Tropic Heat Studios, Inc.
Wednesday 9am, Nashville, TN 12-12-12
Good morning !
Before the "official" Press Release goes out, and all the media contacts are "alerted" - I wanted to share a personal moment about the news we received yesterday. Over the next few weeks there will be countless drums banged and millions of dollars $$ invested by Major & miniMajor Studios to continue bringing your attention - and that of The Academy Voting Members ....to their Oscar Contenders. You will see their ads everywhere, hear their message like a mantra planted in your subconscious brain repeating itself without your agreement to recite their dogma - because that is how big dollar advertising & marketing works - we all know this. And I applaud them ALL - I truly DO ! I do the parade-wave as they pass by to sounds of their trumpets, pomp & ceremony - all things Big Hollywood, Major Studios and Minors too -- it's a rush of excitement for all of us on any part of this journey to OSCAR land. They (the Majors and miniMajors) are all bright and shiny, sparkling like tinsel from an angelic realm of blessed-among-the-Gods-of-Movie -Making....while off to the side, in the dust of their parade, if you squint and wish to find them...are the underdogs, the "no-budget" INDIES who hocked their cars, jewelery, and homes, to bring their vision to life. The starving artists....a gang of rowdies and eccentric characters one and all, who do not know how to quit as they rally others to help usher their dreams into the stark light of center-stage entertainment. These Indies are beyond grassroots, they are the soil those roots grow in - they have made it onto the toughest playing field - utilizing one unstoppable resource - their will to succeed !
To those Indies (Independent : on their own, without a net or a bank balance and certainly no insurance) - I stand on the shoulders of who ever blocks my view of you as that BIG parade goes by -- It is you I look to see, holding back my cheers and applause gifting exclusively to you, because you need me, one more voice, one more heart - more than one hand clapping -- celebrating your victory! I will proudly look the fool and cheer-scream - waving your banner, just as all your other fans are doing, as one chorus united for you.
Like any great story -- the underdog is my hero, and always will be.
Congratulations to all of "Halloween Party", the movie. Congratulations you bunch of amazing artists, renegades and underdogs! Yes, "one of us" has made it through! And you make us ALL proud, shining a bit brighter, encouraged to press-on believing we can achieve our own dreams too -- as we add your story to the tales of heroes on the Indie Artists' Journey .
Applause! Applause!